Benefits of face-to-face learning


All individuals learn differently and work more productively in different environments. In the last few years since the pandemic started, millions of articles have been released highlighting the benefits of individuals working and studying from home. Whilst there are many benefits, now that life is going back to normal, many are asking whether they want to remain at home.

Online learning has become prominent after the pandemic. However, both styles of learning have their pros and cons. For us, it’s clear that there are far more benefits to face-to-face learning, especially if you are enrolling in a beauty course.

Learning a new skill is always daunting but no more daunting than having to use those beauty skills on a person! We all know how people feel about their eyebrows and lashes always being on fleek! Most students that learn a beauty course are not from the industry — they are changing careers or doing this as a side job. Learning to consult clients and practically perform beauty services on people is so much harder than you think.

This is where face-to-face is more beneficial — the trainer is right there with you to step in and rectify any issue on the spot. The computer can’t do that, and you could develop bad or incorrect techniques while you are waiting for your online instructor to respond to any issues that occur during practice. The theory is simple to read online, but it is great when you are able to ask questions about that theory face-to-face. It’s fantastic to form a bond with your trainer through constant communication instead of someone you can’t see online.

If you are wondering which option suits you best, here are six benefits of face-to-face learning that can help you make your decision:

Benefits of face-to-face learning
  1. Encourages and Helps With Social Skills

    Humans are social creatures and for good reason. Socialising offers us a sense of belongingness and security, which improves our overall mental wellbeing. Face-to-face learning gives individuals the opportunity to enter a classroom with other students and have that social interaction. Studying from home for some people means sitting in a house on their own without any interaction, which can be detrimental to their mental health.

  1. Real-Time Interaction

    The whole point of studying is to learn things that you don’t already know. So, it’s only human to have questions and need help with various elements of your course. Face-to-face learning will ensure that you can receive help at the exact moment you need it. Whilst online learning still involves help through video lessons and email, face-to-face learning will let you get the help and explanation instantly when you need it.

  1. Lack of Distraction

    Whilst some individuals feel like they are more productive working from home, many find the familiarity of their home a massive distraction. For example, individuals may feel like they want to get household chores done whilst they are home, or perhaps the idea of Netflix and a nap is too much of a temptation to turn down. Avoiding that temptation is easy by going into a physical classroom. It also keeps you focused as everyone around you is learning the same thing too.

  1. Promotes Collaborative Learning

    Face-to-face learning teaches students how to work in a team and prepares them for when they enter the workplace with other staff members. With classroom learning, students don’t only learn from the theory the teacher is presenting, they learn from other students’ questions and past experiences.

  1. Encourages Critical Thinking

    Being in a classroom with other students encourages individuals to engage in live discussions and relevant debates. This type of learning environment gives students the ability to bounce ideas off other people and allows them to question others to ensure their understanding of the concept is correct. Having your ideas challenged helps encourage critical thinking, rather than just reading the theory from a laptop.

  1. Teaches Accountability and Responsibility

    With face-to-face learning, you don’t have the option to say, “I’ll just watch the class and do the work later”. You have a set time to be in class and it’s your responsibility to manage your time correctly to be in that class on time. Having to physically go to class holds you accountable and teaches responsibility. These skills will be essential when entering the workplace.

We hope this blog helps you understand the array of benefits you get from face-to-face learning that you won’t find online. If you still aren’t sure which route to take, contact us and we can discuss your options to help you find the perfect path.
Carole and the Ceecees team

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